The student dormitory of our college is named “Ushio-ryo”.It is set up as a place of education, which establishes a
fundamental lifestyle through orderly community life, fosters independency and positiveness, and cultivates friendship.
There are four buildings; two boys’ dormitories (Dorm A and Dorm C), one girls’ dormitory (Dorm B) and one
internationaldormitory in total Ushio-ryo can accommodate 259 students.
Dorm A has three-person rooms and four-person rooms,and students from the first year to the third year are living
there. Dorm C has single rooms and fourth- and fifth-year students are living there. Dorm B (the girls’ dormitory) has
single rooms and a few two-person rooms for all grades. The international dormitory is divided into a men's dormitory
on the west side and a women's dormitory on the east side, with units consisting of seven private rooms around a large
room.A dormitory leader and other student officers are in each dormitory. There is an officers’ union to represent the
whole dormitory, which carries out self-disciplined management with the help of college staff.